Hamblen Legal Link: Legal clinics are held the first Thursday evening of every month from 5:00-7:00 pm at the law office of Beth Boniface, 1125 W. First North Street, Morristown. We are a group of local attorneys volunteering to provide guidance and referral to those who cannot afford legal services.
Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program: Fresh Tennessee grown produce. Proof of income, proof of age (over 60), proof of Hamblen County residence required. Applications at The Senior Citizens Center, Douglas Cherokee Economic Authority, and at Central Services.
“Operation Medicine Bottle” public prescription medication disposal opportunity at the Hamblen County Sherriff’s Department on Allison Street in Morristown. Drop off unwanted or unused medicines in the secure box inside the lobby. Sponsored by the Hamblen County Substance Abuse Coalition.
Many area agencies need volunteers. Contact agencies directly if you want to donate your time, energy or money to help others.
You will find a listing of agencies here. Click on the links to see agency websites and contact information.
For more events, please see the Morristown Community Calendar on the local newspaper website: